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Kwik Trip Cards

If you would like to purchase a Kwik Trip Card, please contact Amy Sauder at 507-269-4429. She can arrange to mail them to you or to meet you in person. She is also willing to set up monthly orders to those who go to Kwik Trip often. During the choir season, Amy is also at choir on Thursdays.
Kwik Trip card sales are an important source of income for our choir. Last year alone, we generated $2,700 through the sale of Kwik Trip cards as a year long fundraiser!
The best part about this fundraiser is that it costs you nothing. Whatever amount you pay for a card is what the card's value will be in the Kwik Trip store. The donation to the choir actually comes from Kwik Trip rather than you. All that you have to do is buy the card!
There are two types of cards available.
Gas and grocery cards can be used for anything Kwik Trip sells and Kwik Trip gives a 5% donation to the choir. You can purchase them in $10, $25, $50, $100, & $200 denominations.
Grocery cards can only be used inside the store for any merchandise and Kwik Trip donates 15% of the card purchase to the choir. You can purchase them in $25 denominations.
They also make great gifts for graduates, babysitters, teachers, etc.
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